How To Clean Antique Hardwood Flooring


Do you have antique hardwood floors? You're going to have to clean them eventually. Any type of hardwood floor, be it old or new, is tricky to clean because it is a natural material. You have to use just the right products and specific techniques to avoid damaging it. This is especially true of antique hardwood flooring. Not only is it wood, but it is old wood, and is in delicate condition compared to newer wood floors. You don't want to let it just sit around and get musty, grimy, and scratched, though. Old or new, you want hardwood floors to gleam. Here's how to clean them properly.

If Your Hardwood Floors Were Previously Covered With Carpet or Linoleum

Sometimes when you live in an older home, you discover antique hardwood floors when you pull up carpet or linoleum. Maybe you originally intended to replace the carpet or linoleum with a new version. However, the hardwood floors make the room look amazing, so you decide to keep them out in the open. However, they will be covered with a lot of dust, dirt, and even glue that needs to be removed in the initial cleaning process.

If you're cleaning newly uncovered antique hardwood floors for the first time, you will need equipment a regular maintenance cleaning doesn't require. The first and most important thing you'll need, according to, is a buffer. The buffer will be instrumental in getting all of the debris off of your floors, especially debris that is stuck on.

Just be careful when using the buffer. You can't spend too long using it in one place, or you will gouge a trench in your floor and need to have one or more of those beautiful old boards replaced.

Once the entire floor has been buffed, use a piece of sandpaper to get into the corners and edges, where the buffer couldn't clean without damaging the walls. Sand until all the remaining debris is removed, but be careful to not scratch the floor.

Sweep and dust the floor until it's clean. Then, apply a damp mop to the entire floor to pick up any invisible dust.

Finally, apply a wood stain, allow it to dry, then apply a clear wood floor finish. Apply in the direction of the grain of the wood, working from the far end of the room toward the door. This will keep your antique wood flooring safe and protected and shiny for a long time to come.

If Your Antique Hardwood Floors Have Been In Regular Use For a While

If your antique hardwood floors are used regularly, they will only require periodic maintenance cleaning. Still, there is a special technique you should use to avoid damaging them, as they are easier to mess up than newer hardwood floors.

One thing to remember is to never let your hardwood floors get wet. This is true of new wood floors, too, but even more important with antique wood floors. Water will get into any scratches or cracks and expand the wood, causing it to warp. Antique wood floors are more likely to have vulnerable spots, especially if they're unsealed, or haven't been sealed in a while.

You can clean the floors with a damp mop and follow it up quickly with a towel drying. This is the easiest way to do maintenance cleaning.

If your floors are especially dirty, you can buy or rent a steam cleaner specially made to clean hardwood floors. Most home supply stores carry them. These cleaners steam and dry at the same time, and get into the cracks in antique hardwood floors a mop won't reach, so you get a really deep clean.


If you take the extra care necessary with cleaning antique hardwood floors, they will last for a long time to come and look good, too. They may even last for the next few generations of owners of your house.

If you don't feel you can clean them adequately on your own, or if you find some boards are damaged, call in a professional flooring company to take care of things for you. They will know how to clean and fix your flooring the right way. Pop over to this website to learn more. 


20 March 2015

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